Holly Hill Original Free Will Baptist Church, Inc.
Resumption of Service Plan Worship & Other Services 2020
With the relaxing of the stay-at-home orders because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, that allow regular worship services to resume, the following plan has been drafted to provide guidance to the Holly Hill Church family. The plan considers many of the things that will occur between the time worshippers arrive on campus until they depart. It is anticipated that the plan will be made available to members online, on the church website, one [1] printed copy per household, and an overview will be given over One-Call.
Planning for resuming services will include one service on Sundays and other special services. Canvassing will be done to determine the number of people who plan to attend each weekend. In addition, we will factor in a number to represent the visiting public who may choose to attend.
Parking Lot:
Issues in the parking lots should be minimal, except for encouraging social distancing for worshippers after they get out of their vehicles. Signs will be posted reminding worshippers to practice social distancing and discourage physical contact with others while on the church campus.
Entering the Foyer:
Signs will be posted on the doors to remind worshippers to practice social distancing. Greeters will be positioned in the foyer to welcome and provide basic information to worshippers, including the seating plan. Greeters will be asked to wear face masks and gloves. They will be stationed on the side of the foyer opposite from the doors. The doors to the foyer and sanctuary will be left open to minimize hand contact on surfaces. Information sheets will be provided to the worshippers to remind them of the procedures that we will follow. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available in the foyers and other public areas.
Entering the Sanctuary:
Worshippers will be directed to available seats by the ushers. Social distancing will be observed by the ushers as they find seats for worshippers. Seats will be marked where people can be seated. Ushers will be asked to wear their gloves and face masks. Worshippers will be encouraged to wear the protective masks during the services. Seating will be designated using a checkerboard arrangement.
Entrance for worshippers will only be from the front doors of the church. The other doors will have signs and be locked until the sanctuary is filled.
Sunday School:
* Students will be seated using the social distancing guidelines.
* Where possible, students will be asked to sit where they plan to sit during worship service.
* The classes for youth may be relocated to the fellowship hall and the Life Center.
* Giving will be done by placing offerings on the table after Sunday school has ended, thereby minimizing people touching common surfaces.
Consider this for our Children Church:
* Check in will be done with social distancing.
* The activities will be done with social distancing.
* This will require the use of the Life Center for service.
* Parents will determine if their children can sit together if more than one child attends Children Church.
Worship Service:
* One will be assigned to keep a tally on the number of worshippers who come into the sanctuary [Greeters & Ushers will assist if needed]. When the total number reaches the limit for the service, worshippers will be directed to the overflow in the fellowship hall. Once the limited number is reached, we may need a few runners (outside) to direct the worshippers to the fellowship hall before reaching the sanctuary doors.
* The choir and praise team members will be determined based on social distancing guidelines. The pulpit, [Ministers and Deacons] will be filled based on social distancing guidelines. Musicians will practice social distancing as they play.
* Those who extend the welcome/announcements will be asked to come forward, but not touch the podium, or wipe it down after it is used.
Programs will not be distributed to minimize hand contact. Instead, the order of service will be incorporated in the information displayed on the bulletin board.
The church family is encouraged to continue to use Cash App and Online Giving for tithes and offerings. For those who give in person we encourage you to have correct change, a basket will be left at the door of the sanctuary for people to give before or after service. If you do not write a check and need change while in service, please precede to the finance office and one of the finance committee will assist you.
*** Those who are “in the Spirit” will be left in the hands of the Lord.
Altar call will be given, but those desiring prayer will not come forward as normal, or they will be asked to practice social distancing when they do. Ministers will not lay hands on those who come forward. Those who express an interest in becoming members will be asked to come forward and the information needed to follow up will be done with social distancing guidelines in place.
When receiving members, the right hand of fellowship will be extended, but not with contact. Pastor and officers will stand and come forward one at a time to be introduced.
* When the benediction is given, directions will be given by the Pastor for departing from the sanctuary.
* Ushers will assist in helping everyone leave in an orderly manner, beginning with the sections mentioned by the Pastor.
* People will be encouraged to leave the sanctuary and go straight to their cars or practice social distancing if they plan to speak to other worshippers on the outside of the church.
* Restrooms will be sanitized prior to Sunday school.
* Worshippers will be encouraged to use the restroom after Sunday school to reduce the number of people needing to use the facilities prior to worship service.
* After Sunday school, surfaces in the restroom will be wiped with disinfectant to minimize transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
* Consideration will be given to monitoring the number of people in each restroom to allow for social distancing to be observed.
* Sinks will be used one at a time to allow for social distancing.
* Sanitizing wipes will be placed in the restrooms along with signs to encourage those who use the facilities to wipe them down after use.
* The restrooms will be sanitized after worship service begins for use at the end of service.
Counting the Offerings:
The offerings will be counted using the current procedures that emphasize social distancing and sanitizing.
Seasoned Saints:
* Special seating arrangements will be provided for seasoned saints [sixty-five and above] who attend worship service, to include a buffer around them to minimize contact with other worshippers.
First Aid Ministry:
* Will be working on a plan for addressing medical emergencies under the COVID-19 guidelines!
Traffic Flow:
* Traffic Directors will be needed. Trustees will have walkie talkies to communicate with each other. The ushers could or can communicate to the (outside) runners to direct worshippers to the fellowship hall before reaching sanctuary doors.
* Numbers Attending: We must keep a running tally on the number of people in the sanctuary.
* One or two persons will control the people going into the Life Center and the classrooms.
* We will, need to control flow and movement as much as possible.
Evacuation Plan: A plan for evacuation with social distancing measures will be made available for the officers and members.
What If? Session: Devoted to possible scenarios.
Plan for those who need to leave to stay within the mandated number of attendees. We will use thermometer scans to assist in identifying worshippers who may have a temperature. Anyone sick will be encouraged to stay home. If one having a temperature higher than normal will be asked to be relocated into the church dining hall and have their temperature checked the second time. If their temperature remains higher than normal, they will be asked to leave and self-monitor from home.
Communications Plan:
* Detailed as possible, but understandable.
* Several times the week of the resumption of services, continuing the following weeks.
* We will not advertise that we are having service. An announcement will go out to our members on One Call.
* Approximately 3 people to a seat. People can sit in the sanctuary with Six feet between unrelated people on the same pew, including the media ministry booth.
* Allowing for each person by allocating 18 inches for each person.
* Skipping to every other pew for will reduce our maximum seating capacity.
* Overflow will allow for an additional number of people in the church dining hall.
* No assigned seats unless designated by the Pastor.
* Seating will be determined by our desire to keep the elderly safe while at the church.
Sanitizing Procedures:
* Wipe down the back of the pews.
* Cleaning all the restroom surfaces.
* Encourage using hand sanitizers upon exiting the church.
* All hymns books, Bibles and church fans will be removed from the pews until the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
* Water fountains will be covered for non-use during this pandemic.
* Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be placed by each accessible telephone.
Other Ministries Supporting Resumption of Services:
* Funerals will be conducted according to the Governor’s Executive Order of the day and the church protocol.
* Church and auxiliary meetings will be carried out observing social distancing and the Governor’s Executive Order of the day.
* Other services such as Church anniversary, revivals, weddings, use of the Life Center for special events and other services will follow the church’s plan and the Governor’s Executive Order of the day.
* Volunteers to support this process are very much needed.
* There will be no food served during our Quarterly Meeting Services to minimize contact between members and others.
Bishop James E. Tripp Jr.
Deacon Charlie Hooks Deacon Thomas Atkinson
Deacon Willie Atkinson Deacon Billy Cogdell
Deacon Bobby Cogdell Deacon Thomas Shaw
Deacon Ollie Maye Deacon Archie Applewhite
Deacon Melvin Foreman
Mother Mildred Council Mother Aldine Parker
Mother Della Foeman Mother Mary Maye
Mother Carolyn Glast Mother Daisy Porter
Mother Deborah Langley Mother Sallie Weaver
Mother Brenda White Mother Ida Williams
Trustee Chairman
Deacon Thomas Atkinson Brother Roger Harris
Brother David Spriggs Brother Walter Council
Brother Wayne Cogdell Brother David Moody
Church Secretary
Sister Barbara Atkinson
Financial Secretary
Brother Phillip Perry
Assistant Secretary
Sister Debora Brown