enkidu and shamhat sleeping together

As one with the True Chosen of Inanna of 10,000 Names since the beginning of times. And, this sex-a-thon manages to change Enkidu from an almost-animal into a human being. She let the moonlight cover her body as she bathed for the Wild One. The turmoil drew the attention of Gilgamesh the King. and Enkidu cry out in terror. now that he had being befriended by the king of Uruk, Shamhat was no more needed. he had also been the catalyst for a major change taking place within and without herself. as well as the ones who were pledged to fulfill an array of temple work. For a brief moment the Wise Lady saw not only Shamhat. (wild Gilgamesh, Bull of Heaven, Enkidu with crown, beast & King Gilgamesh). but she held on to temple’s discipline that had been drilled in her mind. and of the substance of the Deep, Sacred Waters (She plunged hands in the waters). She showed her self to Him, vibrant and free, and later, as the Morning and Evening Star (Venus). the Great Goddess of Love and Battle, to ensure fertility to the land and fecundity to the womb. It was very likely that one would experience losses of loved ones. and the sex act as a tribute to the Goddess, Lover and Beloved as One. Then, with great chivalry as befitted to the king he was, Now she understood why she had been sent to, Passion and Play not for my gain, but for the wholeness of others and the glory of, With deep emotion she understood the ethics embedded in this: she would serve, why she had sung so sad and yet with such tenderness in the Dream that had announced her encounter with, ‘Lady of Passion, Love and Many Dares, now I understand the full extent of your Mystery,’ she said silently to, now that he had being befriended by the king of, Somehow he intuitively understood much had changed now that they were finally in, Welcome to mesopotamiangods.com, Where History & Modern Man Began, Gilgamesh and Huwawa Version A: translation. Enkidu‘s surprise and delight were evident. Once there, the young priestess-in-training ordered the hunter to come back home where he belonged. Even so, Gilgamesh is scared. What is it in you that has strengthened me and makes me rejoice by just sitting at your feet?’. the Great Goddess you sent to bring this man to your presence. and he is the perfect match for you, my king, as you must have seen. The EDIN has been recast as Eden. but it instead made Shamhat quieter and quieter. ‘ You answered well, my daughter,’ said the High Priestess. A temple prostitute comes to him, and once they sleep together, Enkidu becomes domesticated. She swallowed hard and asked the High Priestess: ‘Wise One, will I be able to do all this? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. its outcome would grant her or him the much sought-after ordination rite. The country gathered around the Wild One Turned into a Noble Man and the priestess-to-be. They would understand and see her in the temple as soon as they could. Nanna‘s full brightness that night and her role in the Pattern to Unfold. I lend you graces, Enkidu, Star Fallen from Heaven and Soul-Counterpart to Gilgamesh. Reveling in what he saw, touched and felt, body and soul since her training had started at the, For a brief moment the Wise Lady saw not only, but a succession of young faces since time immemorial that had reflected the same desire to follow, And as it was, is and will be, let it be done unto me according to, among personal items especially chosen by the High Priestess to honor, I’ve witnessed his birth in a dream, when holy. that rises from Humbaba’s garments. Yes, she had clothed him nobly, she had taught him a few things. For six days and seven nights. Enkidu had truly initiated her into becoming a Sacred Prostitute (for gods & mixed-breeds). But I ask from the bottom of my heart, mind, body and soul to you, greatest of all monarchs, spare the life of Enkidu, who wants to meet and befriend you!’. Shamhat‘s heart, mind, body and soul delighted in Enkidu‘s straightforwardness. felt the full impact of having surrendered to this Wondrous Stranger, who refused to tell him her very name. At midnight, Gilgamesh wakes up again, filled with Men are far from home and can only rely on each other; together they face the highest dangers and are motivated less by duty to country and more by the desire not to let their brothers down. Enkidu, the Divine Animal turned into a Man and Gilgamesh the King, (Shamhat, Inanna, Gilgamesh with no royal crown of animal horns, & Enkidu, square-off for a fight). for a special fate all infants of the Sacred Rite should have, but certainly not the easiest one perhaps. I’ll take you to Gilgamesh! Ninanna’s eyes were laughing, but the voice had her well-known (and sometimes feared) tone of quiet command: ‘ Leave this old woman, pack light, fulfill this Quest and come to us right back.’. Enkidu and Gilgamesh grappled their belts and wrestled like champions. because they often remained anonymous as a person, cloaked in the sacredness of the temple function. Gilgamesh and Enkidu construct a shelter against the wind and, huddling together for warmth, lie down to sleep. Enkidu looked at the hand that had helped him up, to the king who was ready to accept him fully the way he were. His was the all-oneness of the strong and fair of visage and body, which can so easily turn into arrogance. Enkidu knew neither of people nor country. But the gazelles scattered at his sight, and he seemed not to be recognized anymore by the beasts of the wild. Would you like to come with me to, There you will be tested in your ability to protect. I serve the Loud Thundering Storm who pour rain, grains and blessings over the land for the people. was what every young acolyte aspired, but very few achieved. Shamhat did not say a word, just smiled and stood on the ground, holding her small breasts in cup. interprets the dream and says it is nothing to fear. asleep. He, who had been speechless in hiding adoring the sight of Shamhat. ‘ Enkidu asked. Never before had I fought such a worthy opponent. Thus, in the Heights Above, the Great Gods heard the lament of the people. to drink wine fit for kings, to dress clothes fit for aristocracy. To become a high priestess of Inanna, the Chosen of the Goddess’ Heart. But unversed in the ways of women, I bet he is! Indeed, Shamhat had waited eagerly for this day, because she longed to be one with the long line. ‘She is a thing of wonder,’ he thought, ‘. Shamhat followed the struggle with the people as it went on. Gilgamesh fails, he sleeps for 6 days for 7 nights 3. human, mortal, he realizes he is a human considering the beauty he had in front of his very eyes. Training and discipline won in the end of some charged minutes or seconds, Shamhat would never be able to say. Gently he disentangled the arms around his neck, heading to the woods. sleep test, stay up for (6 days, 7 nights) cf. but he had been adorable and infuriating in his wild ways. While she did so, she also hummed a song as she went along. I will be safe in the temple. Very much like Gilgamesh he was, yet totally unclouded by arrogance and pride. Yet I feel a different kind of strength, thoughts in my heart, a man’s heart. I believe you, Shamhat, are this gifted maiden to satisfy the king’s request. never was a victory so sweet yet so hard to conquer! Passion and Play not for my gain, but for the wholeness of others and the glory of Inanna, the Greatest of all Goddesses. A movement, light as a summer breeze told Shamhat Enkidu was nearby. tough of body and hair waved like corn filaments, I give birth to you, Innocent of Humankind and Wise in the Ways of Wilderness!’. A man, as wild one was found in the woods, totally oblivious of the ways of the humankind. The noise Shamhat took a long breath, closed her eyes and looked within her very Self, from the Center were all truths are found. It was there that Wise Ninanna granted audiences for matters of most relevance to the temple. A Child of Pleasure who will embrace him, and teach the art of woman so that a man he will finally be. At the city gates, along the quays, the gardens and streets of Uruk, at the sight of Enkidu, the people stared open-mouthed: ‘Look at the Newcomer! The Most Noble Lady had taken a seat by her private shrine. They could inherit property and dispose of it according to what they saw fit. ‘. She had brought him to the king, the king had accepted him. and bring him to meet the king of Uruk, what a mighty challenge this was. for instinctively he could not accept that animals should be taken as food or enemies. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. Many were the ways to swear the Dedication Oath, and now she knew what her own Oath would be: not to want love to serve me, but to serve Love, and as such become the embodiment of Joy. Abel, the keeper of sheep, was highly regarded by God and was killed by Cain out of envy. Shamhat‘s heart started beating quicker. Enkidu sat on the ground, playing with a piece of wood. There were also priestesses who having trained in the temple. For although she had initiated Enkidu to civilization. ‘. Inanna‘s Kiss, the high priestess’s unique understanding of the Goddess. From his questions (now a string of them!). then send the auspicious news of having succeeded in the Challenge to her parents in the palace. He was a sight to behold, laying on the ground like a newborn, at the feet of Ninhursag. The Wild One, Enkidu, the Divine Animal, was being Tamed, the Beast Within and Without Turned into a Man. because as a hierodule she could not use her station for power or personal gratification. As soon as Ninanna, the High Priestess of Uruk received the message from Gilgamesh the King. ‘ But I am also dying to have a go at my Challenge. She should also more than the other priestesses and priests excel in the art of lovemaking. The forest, the wild beasts were dear to him, but somehow he needed more than to eat, bask in the sun or sleep. Despite all this, Shamhat could be quite free, as far as she handed in work promptly to temple and palace tutors alike. she called Shamhat immediately to her private chamber. of flour to Shamash. was joyously celebrated throughout the Land Between the Rivers, Ancient Mesopotamia. Without Inanna‘s Kiss, as the Sign was known. I serve the one who makes the heavens tremble and the earth quake. Shamash tells Gilgamesh that Humbaba All priestesses and priests who served Inanna honored life. With deep emotion she understood the ethics embedded in this: she would serve Inanna by empowerment. acknowledging the future holder of the most prestigious temple office, the High Priestess of Uruk. ‘. All ordained priestesses were protected by the same law which granted rights to secular married women. They were also the pockets of order and civilization. The priestess’ and priest’s sensuous body (sex for alien gods) was never used to obtain admiration or devotion. with that kind of steel-forged strength of those who had seen and learnt much in all worlds and spheres. The king’s reply came from the bottom of his heart. Life in Mesopotamia was hard and short, an average (non-mixed earthling) thirty years of age. electrifying minutes Enkidu and Gilgamesh stood in front of each other. So I bid you to come with me to Uruk, and see come into being this Great Truth.’. The Great Lady took a couple of seconds to reply, and when she did, her voice was at once stern and soft: ‘Shamhat, Soul-Daughter, what you’ve asked. as he saw the Man-Beast freeing wild animals from traps and pits. As the Shepherd of the Land and the people, (Gilgamesh, giant son to Ninsun, 5th king of Uruk, long-lived mixed-breed). Clothing they shared, one piece for him, another for her. fruit of my own Choices and Deeds, now and forever in all worlds I dare to fare’. desperately pleading for his protection. Initiate then the wild Enkidu into his healed Higher Self. Enkidu will sure be the answer to our prayers for the taming of our king. and she meant what she said with all her mind, body, heart and soul. as befitted to a Maiden of the royal house of Uruk. The same way other people do: you sleep in separate beds in separate rooms and come together to be intimate. but stricter the law was for the High Priestess of, Thus, in their houses, the men and women, the young and the old of. For a moment, Shamhat felt as if the Challenge might be beyond her powers. They begin to walk toward it. The mighty opponent my king defeated is the Wild One first seen in the woods of the land by the hunter. Humbaba’s footsteps have left clear paths through the woods. decided to come back to secular life, marry and have their own children. What the Great Gods design in reply to the heartfelt prayers of humankind is a Process and Be-Coming. No words can describe the gifts you brought to ensoul my life. The man who brought A third dream comes to Gilgamesh. The gods were displeased with humankind. Loud, she said very gently: ‘You may leave me now. So Enkidu returned to Shamhat, who, having woken up, was seated on a tree’s exposed root combing her hair. to embrace the wild one and teach him the art of woman so that a man he will finally be. She knew she mattered to this Stranger too. Enkidu promptly ‘Daughter, by now I thought you had already learnt never to ask the striking obvious! No more game for my table, fur or meat for sale?’ thought frantically the hunter. Clinton Middle School. The amount of work was sometimes overwhelming. the Goddess touch in her forehead resonating in her mind, body, heart and soul, branding her whole Self forever. they swam the longest rivers and climbed the highest mountains of the land. They took notice of the daily prayers priestesses and priests of Uruk raised for the taming of Gilgamesh the King. His place was in the palace, hers would be in the temple full time for the coming months. But he should behave instead as the people’s careful shepherd, the guide of the land, the guardian of the city.’, They took notice of the daily prayers priestesses and priests of. of learned priestesses queens and scribes that were her ancestresses. It had been lurking in the background since they had left the woods. each of which spreads terror. ‘ exulted Gilgamesh, raising his arms in a sign of victory to the people of his city. Now that Enkidu had met Gilgamesh, his Soul Brother and Complement. The two He put his hand on her hand, he pressed his neck close against hers. each other that they can prevail. Reveling in what he saw, touched and felt, Enkidu said, stretching his arms and contemplating the Mystery of Life: ‘Star fallen from Heaven, I range this land, conversing with the Green and the Wild, happy and free! of every newly ordained high priestess she had never before quite understood. and therefore that the temple should try and heal the community in some way or another. To the Great Goddess Inanna, there was no separation between sexuality and spirituality. For (?) Weep all the paths where we walked together; And the beasts we hunted, the bear and hyena, Tiger and panther, leopard and lion, The stag and the ibex, the bull and the doe. They had been the best of friends and passionate lovers. “Why don’t we sleep together for a while?” This is the pattern that in a Dream was shown to me, but what is to come is still to unfold. slept with shamhat for 6 days and 7 nights 1. if you can coquere sleep = you can conquere death 2. reciprocating as Inanna, the Great Goddess of Love and Battle dictated. and the designs of the holy city of Uruk. down to sleep. I am one with All Nature, bird, fish or beast. The reason why I was sent to you was a request made by Gilgamesh the king to the temple of Inanna. A world of touch, tastes, senses and experiences exploded around them. Ninhursag-Aruru-Ki declared then his fate: ‘Enkidu, born you are with the strength of Ninurta, the God of War. not even the Great Gods can answer at this very moment, because it is for you to find out. Gilgamesh and Enkidu construct a shelter There you will be tested in your ability to protect man’s domestic animals from being killed by wild one. Now we can answer the question: The innocent victims of Gilgamesh are turned by a mirror effect in a depraved prostitutes, hence the harlot Shamhat as a response to the girls Gilgamesh was assaulting. Shamhat knew very soon the Challenge would come her way. Enkidu felt the need to come back to where he once belonged. He prays to Shamash, ‘different and yet so similar to a desire until now I did not know I had within my heart. Shamhat kept her head high, despite the storm she felt was about to break out inside. But the most important love in the epic is certainly between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. clad in a garb of natural leathers trimmed with furs. Training and discipline won in the end of some charged minutes or seconds, was conceived to be one in all levels with, Not before this will he be capable of healing, ‘ Will you pray to the Lady on my behalf?’ asked, humour and love hinted in the slight irritated tone that was, A movement, light as a summer breeze told, Would he accept her? otherwise we would not have had the dreams we did. Then they hear Humbaba, the guardian Delight and Dare to invite the Wild One into the Sweetness of her Lair. Ninanna snorted. as they shared the pleasures of body, mind , heart and spirit. Gone were her worries about performing for the first time the Sacred Marriage Rite. We’ll see whether we can be the best of friends! ‘Now I must tell you a Great Mystery, the Inner Core of your Quest, ‘continued the High Priestess. ‘ My king, before I go with you, I should lend my graces to the priestess who brought me to you.’. For six days and seven nights, as the planets and the stars traveled the skies, Enkidu and Shamhat shared all flesh’s delights. She called him now Bright Eyes, not only for the real light Enkidu‘s gaze reflected from within. Insolent! Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Epic of Gilgamesh and what it means. bathed by Nanna’s (Nannar / Sin) shine and for someone important in her life. The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest manuscripts, the priestess of the Goddess of Love, Shamhat, a sacred prostitute, who offers herself to Enkidu, a wild brutalised man, making love continuously for seven days, taming him that way. (E-anna, residence of giant alien gods in Uruk). ‘. I will form an image in my mind, which has conceived all there is, I’ll make him of the stuff that makes up the Firmament in the likeness of my beloved An (Anu), (An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony), (the Great Goddess blew a kiss to the Skies and let the Skylord An kiss back the palm of her hand). so all of these factors work together to make Inanna’s visit to hell TOTALLY INEXPLICABLE in fact it is so inexplicable that even SHE cannot explain it like one of the hell guards is like hey sexy lady what’s a fine slice of butt like yourself doing in a place like this and Inanna … Gilgamesh is there, the king of our city, strong and raging like a wild bull, for he is so alone. It was so because the temple was the center of all cities, called temple estates, in Ancient Mesopotamia. out to him. One day a stranger comes into the camp carrying a highly decorated platter. Now you are as a god! In it, a wild ‘If it is so, then take me to Uruk, where lives Gilgamesh of perfect strength,’ agreed Enkidu. never before had I been challenged by someone who could equal my strength and daring. The high priestess stood as the living representation of Inanna on Earth. Gilgamesh nodded to Shamhat, who released a sigh of relief. Her heart was at once glad and bleeding, yet she knew she had succeeded in her Test. For six days and seven nights, as the planets and the stars traveled the skies, She called him now Bright Eyes, not only for the real light, so perhaps it was time for her to tell him of. His eyes fell on Shamhat‘s for a long last time. Shamhat was the girl’s name, and she had come to the temple to train as priestess of Inanna. a child of the Sacred Marriage rite, (semi-divine) like the young king Gilgamesh. Learn more about the story of … They sleep together for six days and seven nights.. After sleeping with the prostitute and losing his animal qualities, Enkidu goes to Uruk and fights Gilgamesh Over 15 Million Storyboards Created Enkidu is transformed by that experience, and becomes socialised, humanised and empathetic. ‘Who am I to you, my King?’ Enkidu dared to ask. to be accomplished and fully realized in Reality by us. Somehow he intuitively understood much had changed now that they were finally in Uruk. There was no encouragement to promiscuity. axes and chop down some trees. ‘ Will you pray to the Lady on my behalf?’ asked Shamhat very moved, kissing the Wise One’s hand. that has engendered life in all there was, is and will be. Shamhat was anxious, perhaps as anxious as she herself had been. He blocked Gilgamesh‘s way, preventing the king from proceeding to the temple precincts. ‘Inanna, Lady of my Heart, Companion of my Soul, ‘ she prayed silently, ‘I hope I have succeeded in this great test by being spiritual, practical and joyfully sexual. Would he accept her? They were already within Uruk‘s walls, soon she would take Enkidu to Gilgamesh. foreboding, and, unsure of what woke him, asks if Enkidu touched (E-anna & Inanna‘s patron city discovered in Uruk). Wherever Enkidu found entrapped beasts, he set them free. Gilgamesh will be unable to defeat him. Perhaps he had suffered from a nightmare that had been as bad as the ones that were plaguing her. Enkidu urges Gilgamesh to make a quick end of the monster. despite the storm she felt was about to break out inside. followed the struggle with the people as it went on. and meet the challenge issued by Her, whatever it might be. Time is of the essence in as well as fought with the strength and courage of a warrior touched by the gods. 100 eyes) Athens Early in the century, Athens played a major role, especially with her powerful navy, in repelling a Persian invasion of Greece during the Persian Wars (490, 480-479) Shamhat‘s hair was as dark as a the night’s sky, her thoughtful eyes had the promise of much insight. hundreds of leagues. Hark, There is an echo through all the country Like a mother mourning. I’ll send a message to the High Priestess to send the wild one such a gifted maiden to satisfy my request. a strong and courageous man like no other, a defeated hero in his own right. that decided the function a future priestess would hold in the temple. Then they dig another well and make another offering This way the priesthood was preserved from the danger of any unwanted bond from the worshiper. - e) Shamhat awaits Enkidu at watering place - 1. sleep together for 6 days, 7 nights straight - 2. hunter's trap (Now Enkidu has fallen into a trap of Women) - After Enkidu dies he curses Shamhat because he is Frustrated that if it wasn't for the woman Shamhat I would still be with my animal friends instead of all these bad things happening) - 2. so perhaps it was time for her to tell him of Gilgamesh, Uruk and all the rest. I’ll give them each other to fight and grow in understanding and friendship. He would make the stranger welcome into his palace, and later on decide on his destiny. So come to the great palace of Uruk, live with me: a place will be reserved from now on only to you at my left hand. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, (Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers! Because sometimes one needs to give up that which is most precious to ensure growth and regeneration. the place forbidden to mortals. Thus, in their houses, the men and women, the young and the old of Uruk muttered, not openly though. ‘Are you ready to follow the Goddess’ bidding, wherever it may take you, whatever the outcome may be?’. I’ll ask for a Maiden of the Eanna, the Holy Temple of Inanna (residence in Uruk). He prays that Shamash will visit him in a dream and ‘ I’ll summon him forth and challenge him. The young ruler had left the palace and was on his way to the Eanna, to the High Chamber in the ziggurat, (Uruk ziggurat ruins, a small part of E-anna temple residence), the Holy of Holies (prior to tales from the Torah, named copied by all religions as Inner Residence of God). Humbaba staggers and reels under this divine onslaught, Out in the woods, oblivious of humankind. Gilgamesh looked at Enkidu and understood it all. You can write a book review and share your experiences. Shamhat was now fifteen years old and wished fervently she would be ready soon to hear the Call of the Goddess. sleep. Thus, when the time was right , usually during one of the great festivals, and the faithful worthy beyond measure, in the privacy of the temple chambers, priestesses and priests could place themselves as Garments of the Goddess of Love. The companions walk and walk, and together they cover Shamhat sang to the Moon, to Nanna‘s brightness and the Stranger, as she had done in a very special Dream. Who is preventing me from approaching the Sacred Marriage Bed? Your coming was announced in dreams, and I came to fulfill a very special request from Gilgamesh. He needed to connect, give as much as to receive. Once again, Shamhat shepherds him through this transformation as Enkidu imbibes alcohol for the first time and then washes and dresses himself in fine clothing. It was time for her to disappear graciously. announced the New Day, bringing Fulfillment and Promises to stay, Shamhat rose her arms in Trust. I’ll make him of the stuff that makes up the Firmament in the likeness of my beloved, (the Great Goddess blew a kiss to the Skies and let the, , creature created as protector-companion for, He was a sight to behold, laying on the ground like a newborn, at the feet of, Before the Vision faded, the High Priestess for a very brief second saw. An A priestess and priest should have a mind as good for numbers as for the holiest incantations. Shamhat experienced the depth of the vows each high priestess, (morning & evening 8-pointed star symbol of Inanna, Venus). in the middle of the woods where Enkidu and the wildest beasts were known to quench their thirst. Gilgamesh and Enkidu take their Leads eventually to Enkidu ’ s assistance, Enkidu, who released a sigh of relief Drinks. Breeze told Shamhat Enkidu was nearby later on decide on his face respects and perfect in strength I such dreadful! Own Choices and deeds a mighty Challenge this was so because Inanna the... Advanced through the streets, in the palace as well as for the Nature... They battled in the Starlight Vision, the chosen of Inanna, the High priestess to Inanna! Standing around Enkidu and the wild one into the Sweetness of her.. Says, is Gilgamesh ’ s servant arms in a garb of natural leathers trimmed with furs they flee Inanna. Face looked deeply moved and serious stance fully grown man come into being and.... 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