presentation about smoking effects

Speaking notes: Nevertheless, as hypothesized, students' perceptions of the presenter's autonomy supportiveness were predictive of students' autonomous motivation to not smoke (in the first study) and of change in students' autonomous motivation to not smoke (in the second study). Principle objective of this lecture is to Presentation on Bad Effects of Smoking. Feels like your lungs are what your stomach feels when your hungry ; More of an addiction problem than anything Participants were informed that the short questionnaire packet was entirely voluntary and confidential. In addition to demographic variables, which were slightly different in the 2 studies, and smoking status (whether they had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lives), the participants responded to items that formed the adapted TSRQ, which assessed their autonomous motivation for not smoking, and the adapted Health Care Climate Questionnaire, which assessed their perceptions of the presenter's autonomy support. The 2 classes heard different presentations, as described in the "Materials and Methods" section, so they were not randomly assigned to a presentation. Finally, the increase in students' autonomous motivation for not smoking also predicted a reduction in smoking. Self-determination theory, which is an empirically based theory of human motivation, suggests that the use of a controlling, directive, authoritarian approach to communicating may be counterproductive. Thus, each of the hypotheses received at least marginal support. The self-determination approach to smoking prevention and reduction assumes that communications that are experienced by teenagers as pressuring them will tend to orient them toward an authority struggle and will thus interfere with their autonomous consideration about whether it is in their own best interest to smoke. The 2 presentations did not, however, have strong differential effects on either change in students' autonomous motivation or change in their smoking behavior. Medical 6 slides. The 2 studies herein reported tested the hypotheses using the same measures and comparable presentations in each. Why do students smoke? The first regression analysis tested whether the choice presentation would be perceived as more autonomy supportive by the students than the demand intervention, after controlling for smoking status. Draw a full slide size Rectangle Shape. Smoking marijuana raises your heart rate, which makes your ticker work harder. Scientists are still studying the long-term effects e-cigarettes may have on your health.  RMDeci On the day of the baseline assessment, of the 300 students who were in attendance, 276 provided complete data; 246 subsequently attended a presentation and completed the second questionnaire, and 229 completed the third questionnaire 4 months later. CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) developed this presentation to educate youth on e-cigarettes, including the health risks, the factors that lead to e-cigarette use, and what youth can do to avoid all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. • Smoking effects are the culprit behind many miscarriages in women and also cause impotence in men. Check t... anti smoking campaign PowerPoint Presentation. It also injures your heart and blood vessels.
One presenter was a male physician, and the other a female physician of similar age, and the presentations they made were counterbalanced. I explains also about what a cigarette contains. Additionally, the direct medical costs amount more than $50 billion per year. Next, they homed in on 45 studies that met their standards for scientific excellence and competence. By continuing to use our site, or clicking "Continue," you are agreeing to our, 2020 American Medical Association. Gum Disease. Perceived autonomy supportiveness, assessed immediately after the presentation, was first regressed onto smoking status to control for the effect of smoking, and then onto the type of intervention. a presentation that clearly describes the harmful effects on chain smokers So common sports injuries, such as damage to tendons and ligaments, will heal more slowly in smokers than nonsmokers. As expected, students experienced the intervention focusing on choice as more autonomy supportive than the one focusing on fear and demand. Finally, autonomous motivation to not smoke was regressed onto perceived autonomy support and smoking status, and autonomy support was found to be significant (β=0.34, F1,151=27.4, P<.001). Editor's Note: With adolescents (and probably most everyone else), the style of presentation is at least as important as the message.—Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD.  EL Motivational predictors of weight loss and weight-loss maintenance. You are at risk of developing extremely painful diseases, such as emphysema, mouth/throat cancer, or  GCDeci Two studies of physicians presenting information about not smoking using 2 message styles, 1 of which was designed to be more autonomy supportive. This approach of highlighting frightening information is consistent with the information deficit model that guided much of the smoking prevention research in the 1960s and 1970s. Privacy Policy| The ill effects of smoking cigarettes do not only affect people who smoke. This PowerPoint explains about Smoking and the effect it has on the smoker. The results further suggest that additional studies with more statistical power and a more extensive intervention would be important to examine the direct differential effects of interventions that emphasize choice vs demand. The first regression analysis concerned whether the choice presentation would be perceived as more autonomy supportive by the students. Not Available, Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the Surgeon General. Smoking is no joke. The good news is that after you quit smoking, even in your 60s, 70s, or beyond: ABSTRACT • The effects of cigarette smoking on the human health has been a problem since 1910 as well as the smokers have not gained an extensive amount of knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking. The theory predicts that, in general, the degree to which adolescents experience the message as autonomy supportive will positively predict their level of autonomous motivation and their nonsmoking. It can also irritate your eyes and make you feel sick or dizzy. When adolescents perceived messages about not smoking as autonomy supportive, they had more autonomous motivation for not smoking, and that, in turn, predicted a decrease in their self-reports of smoking. There were no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups on any of these variables. Don't smoke or you'll choke!Nichole is a smoker. From the Departments of Medicine (Drs Williams, Cox, and Kouides), Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology (Drs Williams and Deci), and Pediatrics (Dr Cox), University of Rochester, the Department of Medicine, The Genesee Hospital, (Dr Williams), and the Departments of Medicine (Drs Cox and Kouides) and Pediatrics (Dr Cox), Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY.  et al.  WCCohen The presenter emphasized that whether a person smokes is an important adult decision that all teenagers must make for themselves, and that, because of the tobacco industry's enormous efforts to hook them, they need to be careful about making that decision. Presenting the facts about smoking to adolescents: effects of an autonomy-supportive style. Additional limitations to the present research include the self-report nature of the students' smoking behavior and the participation rates of about 50% to 65%. Smoking damages the lining of one’s lungs thus causing lung cancer. Because of the impact of tobacco use on morbidity and mortality, enormous efforts have been made to prevent smoking or to encourage cessation, particularly among adolescents. Also, babies and children who are exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk of getting serious illnesses. Nicotine reaches the brain within 6 seconds. Lung Health Care PPT Presentation. Loading... Save for later. Explore with the class other alternatives that can be used to satisfy these reasons. Other long-term effects of smoking cannabis are similar to the effects of smoking tobacco. The Cronbach α reliability was .89 in the preliminary study and .88 in the primary study. The chimney and factory building is showing the industrial area with smoke clouds. presented the other half. Infants are more susceptible to pulmonary diseases like asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. The primary study also assessed change in students' autonomous motivation and change in their self-reported smoking during 4 months. When burned, they create more than 4,000 chemicals.  ZRDeci Williams If you are pregnant, quit smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke. This randomization was done to maintain the individual subject as the unit of analysis. Overall, the self-determination model did receive support from the studies, but only indirect effects of the intervention were demonstrated, so additional work is needed to examine more fully the hypothesized direct effects. Results showed that the 2 interventions were not differentially related to change in students' smoking (β=0.04, F1,176=0.01, P=.94), but their perceptions of autonomy support did significantly predict a reduction in smoking (β=−0.12, F1,175=4.09, P=.04). Here are just 25 of the known health risks (yup, there are more! You don't have to smoke for it to harm your health... Secondhand smoking is just as bad as smoking. PoweredTemplate . Stop Smoking PowerPoint Template is a free PPT template that you can download and use for anti smoke or anti tobacco PowerPoint presentations. Free Industry Pollution Smog PowerPoint Template is a technical and business illustration with the image of the chimney and smoke clouds. The 10 remaining slides in the 2 interventions differed according to the themes described below. An animation designed for use with health workers and the public, describing the health effects and risks of smoking and promoting smoking cessation. Thus, the effects of the intervention were indirect rather than direct and depended on the teenagers' perceptions of the autonomy supportiveness of the presentations. In the preliminary study, a male physician (G.C.W.) The good news? The effects of smoking on the human body, health and the healthcare system as a whole are wide ranging. The second, informed by self-determination theory, emphasized that smoking is a matter of choice but that there are important health-related reasons for refraining. They are more likely to co-use or to switch for a short time and then go back to smoking cigarettes. Read more. Brain. Adolescents' perceptions of the presentations' autonomy supportiveness of the presenters, as well as adolescents' autonomous motivation for not smoking and their self-reports of smoking. You can learn a few more PowerPoint tricks in Smoke Text article. Washington, DC US Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health1994;Document S/N 017-001-00491-0. In these studies, 2 communications were designed to advise high school students not to smoke.  MJFoege London WC1R 4HQ. In addition to the 3 slides common to both presentations, the slides in this intervention contained a theme emphasizing the seductive nature of the tobacco industry's advertising and the addictive nature of nicotine, both of which can function to subjugate adolescents' choice to not smoke. These may be especially noticeable around your eyes and mouth. - This 3D medical animation created by Nucleus Medical Media shows the health risks of smoking tobacco. and "On how many of the past 30 days did you smoke cigarettes?" TOBACCO USE is the single largest cause of death in our society.1 Because tobacco use is an acquired behavior, it is preventable, as are the morbidity and mortality associated with it. The third (time 3) questionnaire was administered as a 4-month follow-up and included the 2 smoking behavior questions and the students' autonomous reasons for not smoking. (3) One slide titled "The Cigarette Death Epidemic in Perspective," which showed comparisons, per annum, of the number of Americans who die from cocaine or heroin use; who are murdered; who died from action during the Vietnam War and World War II; and who die from smoking. During their presentations, physicians frequently direct or command the teenagers to refrain from or cease smoking with the assumption that their status and authority as medical experts will lead the teenagers to comply. UK Vapo Waves is top company in UK. The results are conclusive: when we smoke cigarettes we are taking huge risks with our health. Five or 6 days before the presentations, students who had agreed to participate completed a baseline (time 1) questionnaire packet that included the demographic information of sex, race, grade level, and father's level of education (intended as a measure of socioeconomic status), as well as their smoking behavior (using 2 items from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Survey) and the motivation variable of autonomous motivation for not smoking (measured with the adapted TSRQ as in the first study). t Tests and χ2 analyses of data collected at baseline revealed that students' age, sex, race, autonomous motivation for not smoking, and smoking behavior, as well as father's educational level, were not significantly different between the groups with the choice presentation and the demand presentation, thus confirming that the randomization was effective. A behavior such as not smoking is autonomous to the extent that people do it with a full sense of choice and volition because of their belief in its personal importance for them.  RMPlant About Us; Sell Content; Plans & Prices; … Anybody who does not smoke cigarettes should not vape e-cigarettes. In each case, using procedures recommended by Cohen and Cohen,13 the dependent variable of interest was regressed onto its baseline before entering the predictor variables. What are the health effects of smoking? When adolescents perceived messages about not smoking as autonomy supportive, they had more autonomous motivation for not smoking, and that, in turn, predicted a decrease in their self-reports of smoking. An example item was, "The presenter felt smoking, or not, was a choice that was up to me to make." Results  The present research tested the self-determination model of health behavior, which suggests that when health-relevant information is presented in an autonomy-supportive manner, the listeners will become more autonomously motivated to accept the message and change their health-relevant behavior. The perceived autonomy score was the sum of students' responses on the 4 items.  EHGrothaus -Bad skin(skin tumor) -Bad breath -Bad-smelling clothes and hair -Reduced athletic performances -Increased risk of illnesses -Greater risk of injuries and slower healing time The second set of analyses tested whether the interventions would differentially affect change in students' autonomous motivation, first from the baseline assessment to the time 2 assessment, and second from the baseline assessment to the 4-month follow-up assessment. Author information: (1)Department of Medicine, University of Rochester, NY 14627, USA. "Autonomy support" refers to an interpersonal style in which authority figures such as physicians take others' perspectives into account when providing relevant information, offer choice and minimize pressure, and encourage others to accept more responsibility for their own behavior. It was suggested I share it on here as a resource for others studying the affects of Alcohol and smoking on the body. Three of the slides were the same in the 2 presentations: the first reported that 90% of smokers start as teenagers; the second presented the immediate health risks for adolescent smokers, namely, increased cough and phlegm production, poorer physical fitness and lung development, and increased respiratory infections; and the third outlined the health benefits of quitting. Results of the analyses of data from time 1 to time 2 indicated that, after controlling for whether the students smoked, the intervention did not significantly increase students' autonomous motivation for not smoking (β=−0.02, F1,194=0.28, P=.59), but the students' perceptions of the presenters' autonomy supportiveness did (β=0.11, F1,194=6.13, P=.01). This study was supported in part by a Robert J. Haggerty–Stanford Friedman research fellowship (Dr Williams). Surprising impacts of tobacco on the body. Every puff of smoke that gets into your body starts by passing your lips, tongue, teeth and gums. All Rights Reserved. Students perceived significantly (. Limit your smoking to places where others aren't exposed to your smoke. As part of the effort to discourage smoking among teenagers, physicians and other health care workers are frequently asked to make presentations about tobacco use to high school students, and packaged slide sets and accompanying discussion materials are available commercially from which to make such presentations.4 The present studies involved the use of those materials and were concerned with whether the way in which students perceived the style of the physicians presenting the information about smoking would affect their smoking-related motivation and behavior.  MCBailey In contrast, it is controlled to the extent that people do it because they feel pressured or coerced. Smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to, they cannot refrain from picking up a cigar or cigarette and puffing away. 2 / 8. In the self-determination presentation, a slide of the Vincent Willem van Gogh painting of a cypress tree was shown, and in the controlling presentation, a slide of the van Gogh painting of a skeleton smoking a cigarette was shown.  GCRodin Quit-Smoking Quiz. I hope some of you find this useful. Furthermore, perceived autonomy support and increases in autonomous motivation were predictive of decreases in smoking behavior during the 4 months of the second study. Statistics 5. (The intervention was marginally related to autonomous motivation in the first study only.) The dependent measure of smoking used in this study is the product of the 2 smoking items. It’s caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth, but smoking also plays a major role. Cancers, including lung and oral cancers; Lung diseases, such as COPD … Created: Nov 19, 2011| Updated: Feb 21, 2017. Smoking, the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material.A variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the act is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.Tobacco contains nicotine, an alkaloid that is addictive and can have both stimulating and tranquilizing psychoactive effects. These results, along with the α reliabilities for this sample, suggest that the adapted measures were valid. It effects you physically, emotionally and financially. Sixty-five (42.2%) of the 154 students reported having smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their lives, and thus were classified as smokers according to the National Cancer Institute's definition.2 Participants ranged in age from 14 to 18 years (mean, 16.1 years; SD, 0.86 years), 13.0% were minority, and 51.9% were female; the mean household income was $55,000. Dear All, This is a powerpoint I produced for my biology tutor. The contents of the presentations were the same as in the preliminary study, except that an additional slide was added to each. Smoking, the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. There is limited evidence that they help smokers quit. Learn more about the history and effects of smoking in this article. Find best top 50 images collection of Anti Smoking Campaign in this Anti Smoking Campaign powerpoint. This PowerPoint explains about Smoking and the effect it has on the smoker. According to one Cochrane review published in 2015, there is evidence of moderate quality that family-based interventions have a positive impact on preventing smoking in children and adolescents. Williams GC, Cox EM, Kouides R, Deci EL. •Men with prostate cancer who smoke may be more likely to die from the disease than nonsmokers. Smoking or chewing tobacco can contribute to cancers of your mouth, tongue, lips, gums and throat. 13. Download PPTx file. sign up for alerts, and more, to access your subscriptions, sign up for alerts, and more, to download free article PDFs, sign up for alerts, customize your interests, and more, to make a comment, download free article PDFs, sign up for alerts and more, Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry (1919-1959), Youth Perceptions of Juul in the United States, Youth and Young Adult Use of Pod-Based Electronic Cigarettes From 2015 to 2019, FDA Approval and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals, 1983-2018, Global Burden of Skin Diseases, 1990-2017, Health Care Spending in the US and Other High-Income Countries, Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates in the United States, 1959-2017, Medical Marketing in the United States, 1997-2016, Practices to Foster Physician Presence and Connection With Patients in the Clinical Encounter, US Burden of Cardiovascular Disease, 1990-2016, US Burden of Neurological Disease, 1990-2017, Waste in the US Health Care System: Estimated Costs and Potential for Savings, Register for email alerts with links to free full-text articles. These effects can include risks to lung health, such as: bronchitis; lung infections; chronic (long-term) cough; increased mucus buildup in the chest ; Health effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding . I explains also about what a cigarette contains. Perceived autonomy support of the presenter was measured with an adaptation of the Health Care Climate Questionnaire,7 which focused on adolescents' experience of the degree to which the physician's message about not smoking was acknowledging or accepting of their perspectives and feelings and allowed them to feel a sense of choice about smoking-related behaviors. Download All 310 “smoke” royalty free sound effects unlimited times with a single Envato Elements subscription. Students were separated into 2 groups at the time that attendance was taken, and half were directed to the other half of the gym for their presentation. Talks about percentages of secondary school children who smoke. In the first study, regression analyses predicted autonomous motivation for not smoking; and in the second study, regression analyses predicted changes during the 4-month period in autonomous motivation for not smoking and in students' smoking behavior. All students attending gym class 5 or 6 days after completing the baseline questionnaires were randomly assigned, within each gym class, to receive either the self-determination presentation or the more controlling presentation. Thus, the students perceived the choice intervention to be more autonomy supportive than the demand intervention; however, the interventions did not differentially affect change in students' autonomous motivation for not smoking, nor did they differentially affect change in students' self-reported smoking behavior. The 2 presentations and questionnaires were completed simultaneously on opposite sides of a divider, and the 2 groups were dismissed separately. The best solution is to quit smoking. Specifically, the theory proposes that communicating in an attempt to encourage self-initiation rather than compliance is likely to have a more positive effect on motivation and behavior. The TSRQ items were worded in 2 forms: reasons why the smokers would quit, and reasons why the nonsmokers would not start. The initiation of smoking is an issue of primary concern in adolescence, as 90% of those who become long-term smokers start smoking regularly before the age of 20 years.2 Because half of all long-term smokers die prematurely from smoking, not starting or quitting during adolescence substantially reduces the risk of dying prematurely.2,3. Includes diagrams, videos, tables etc and surplus amounts of information of what these drugs can do to you. McGinnis Furthermore, these analyses tested whether students' perception of the presenters' autonomy support would relate positively to change during the same 2 periods in the students' autonomous motivation to not smoke. What is Effects of Smoking on Health - Here are few information on Harmful effects of Smoking. Participants were adolescents from 2 large health classes at a suburban high school that met during consecutive periods (n=154) who voluntarily completed a questionnaire after being addressed about smoking by a physician on National Smoke Out Day. Download PPTx file . Corresponding author: Geoffrey C. Williams, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 (e-mail: P. Premium. This orientation involves minimizing the use of pressure and demand so the others will experience a greater sense of choice and initiation of their own actions. Smoking is the inhalation of smoke of burning tobacco Known health risks of smoking for the effects smoking has on your health... secondhand smoking just... When we smoke cigarettes we are taking huge risks with our health an adaptation of the presentations were the tricks. 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