ground cover for shady slopes

Then there are those steep banks where nothing seems to grow naturally. Their roots will knit together loose soils and help retain moisture and humus. Variegated Goutweed – grows about 6 inches (15 cm.) They can be an eyesore and a menace to erosion control. Deschampsia caespitosa, Tufted hairgrass is a perennial bunch grass from mountain meadows. Lamium is a low-growing ground cover with decorative foliage that is usually variegated and often frosted with silver. The foliage is fragrant when crushed, especially after being dried. This time of year, the creeping phlox is stunning. For areas with more shade, four good choices for evergreen ground covers are Pachysandra terminalis, Fragaria chiloensis, Arctostaphylos "Emerald Carpet," and Satureja douglasii. When choosing ground cover for a hill, you need to use the same criteria as you do for flat land: sun, water and maintenance. White flowers … Pretty, violet-blue flower spikes appear in late spring. Varieties are available that have white or gold variegated leaves. They will also mask surfaces that are uneven due to rocks or tree roots. English Ivy – A favorite steep hill ground cover, this woody vine will root wherever it touches. Roses – several low spreading varieties out there as well as ever-blooming shrub roses. Periwinkle Care - How To Grow Periwinkle Plants, Types Of Euonymus – Choosing Different Euonymus Plants For Your Garden, Are All Juniper Berries Edible – Is It Safe To Eat Juniper Berries, DIY Christmas Bows: How To Make A Holiday Bow For Plant Crafts, Paper Poinsettia Craft Ideas – How To Make Christmas Flowers, DIY Pinecone Christmas Tree: How To Make A Christmas Tree With Pinecones, Cucumber Mosaic Virus Symptoms And Treatment, Evergreen Favorite: Container Grown Olive Trees, Evergreens In My Heart – Three Must Have Evergreen Trees, Decisions, Decisions: Choosing An Evergreen In The Landscape, Spruce Trees For Landscaping - Spruce It Up With Evergreens. Bugleweed forms a dense, 6” high mat that is very weed resistant. Grows 6-10” tall. Plant native grasses to hold the soil in. Bark chips and stone mulches have their place, but a ground cover can do the same work, while looking less formal and more naturalistic. Periwinkle or Vinca Minor – a trailing evergreen plant with blue/purple flowers inspiring, this is one of the best ground cover plants for hillside gardening. Don't think that you are limited to ground covers (perennials and short shrubs that grow horizontally) in fighting erosion (although, in some cases, for aesthetic reasons, you may prefer shorter plants). Bearberry – native to the northwest but can be found in many garden centers throughout the country. Lawn substitutes in areastoo shady for lawn grasses; 2. We've got lots of shade, what's a good ground cover that works with that shade? 5-7” tall. Deep-rooted plants, such as prairie plants, hold their own on even the steepest slope. Deer and rabbit resistant. Deer resistant. The mat-forming shrub explodes into vibrant colors in mid to late spring. Best Ground Cover for Shady Slopes. Sign up now for exclusive offersand priceless garden information. Create dams and barriers to slow the flow of any water. Our collection of tough and hardy plants includes ground-covers, flowering shrubs, and grasses, all specifically targeted at reducing soil erosion and helping revegetation. However, in colder climates, many groundcovers die back and go dormant during the winter months. Perennial ground covers are often used as an alternative to grass. Another cost-saving measure is to use cuttings of succulent groundcovers and plant them close together to ensure rapid cover. Ground covers can solve a multitude of landscaping problems, especially in shady areas. Natural Looking. It forms a dense, 8- to 12-inch-high mat of silver-speckled leaves. Plant through the matting. Bright yellow flowers appear in spring and early summer when planted in full sun. Bishop’s Weed can quickly cover a large area of ground due to its fast-growing properties. Ferns add elegance and grace to shade gardens, woodlands and natural areas. Best offers for your garden - ----- Ground Cover Plants for Steep Slopes. Deciduous. In shady spots, the non-native pachysandra often does well. half the slope is shady all day, the other half gets full-on sun in afternoon. They … Both are attractive flowering vines that can be grown as a sprawling ground cover or vertically on a trellis or arbor. As hardy as it is colorful, Ajuga reptans is a super reliable groundcover for shady or partially shady locations. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Spreads by rhizomes into a dense carpet of foliage. When chosen carefully and placed correctly, they greatly enhance the beauty of the landscape. Add shadecloth or treeguards if … Carolina jessamine and Asiatic jasmine are also excellent ground cover plants for sunny areas. Why not replace expensive, high-maintenance sod with an easy-care, environmentally-friendly groundcover? The most widely planted ground cover in the world is – surprise – lawn. A creeping ground cover with small shiny leaves on wiry stems. It can even thrive in the acidic conditions under large pine trees. Generally, look for dark green foliage as a sign of a shade-loving plant. Violet, Pansy Some Violas are sweetly scented. Creeping phlox likes sun and grows well in rock gardens. i have a large slope too steep for grass. If you are looking for the ground cover for shady slopes, the Creeping Myrtle is here to stay. Here are four more favorites for shady and sunny spots. Perfect for low foot traffic areas, thyme is soft to walk on, looks great, and can help you keep the weeds down. They are low-maintenance plants that provide excellent erosion control, even on steep slopes or other difficult sites. For small areas, there are miniature hostas that grow just 6” tall. Dead Nettle – a fast growing ground cover for sunny hill or shady bank. Ground covers are ideal companions for spring-flowering bulbs. Hillside plants can be the solution to myriad problems. They come in many different heights, from the delicate little Japanese Painted Fern (Anthyrium) to the chest-high, Click here to view all 0 items in your cart, *15% Off Spring Pre-Orders! Planted closely, they’ll form a dense mat in a couple of years. The following lists should help you in choosing ground cover for a hill. Another Grevillea cultivar option is ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle,’ which prefers arid to temperate zones (no tropics!) Some varieties have variegated foliage. Area is the parkway between sidewalk and street so containment is not really an issue. Both plants are excellent choices in locations where aesthetics are important. A dependable, evergreen ground cover with tidy rosettes of emerald green leaves. Read more articles about Slope & Hillside Gardens. It is a win-win solution to choose this plant because you can overcome the issue without having to deal about another one. For a more varied, garden-like appearance, combine different heights, foliage colors and leaf textures. Leaves shed by trees accumulate on the forest floor and intercept any raindrops that make it through the canopy. This plant remains green throughout the winter and spreads easily. Whether you’re looking strictly for visual appeal or for erosion control, hillside plants don’t need to be confined to difficult to maintain grass or weedy confusion. Etain Violet Flowering Ground Covers for Shade – Etain Violet. Each bush can cover a six foot (1.8 m.) circle in just a few years. Creeping Raspberry is a fast growing ground cover but not invasive. Yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon ‘Hermann’s Pride’, Zones 4–8) is one of the fastest-growing ground covers. Hypericum Calycinum St. John's Wort. Groundcovers are often underused in landscapes. Or maybe you find lawn boring and wish you could … By definition, ground covers are plants – often creeping, spreading or climbing – that top out at 3 feet (1 m.). Bearberry – native to the northwest but can be found in many garden centers throughout the country. The plant covers itself in yellow flowers in … A lacey ground cover with whorls of bright green leaves and fragrant, starry white flowers in late spring. Maybe you hate mowing and fertilizing grass. An added bonus is that deer won’t eat it. Weeds can’t compete with the glossy, emerald green leaves of this vigorous ground cover. And be sure to let us know what you think. also, due to shortcuts taken by the excavator during home construction, you can't jab a shovel *anywhere* and not hit a rock. rocks have migrated to the surface, but there's still enough soil for something to take root in. Pachysandra tolerates sun, but looks more attractive when grown in shade. Grows 3-5” tall. Yellow archangel has colorful leaves and flowers. Doone Valley grows to 5cm in height, has a feint lemon scent and features green and gold leaves with a purple flower. Once this green and white beauty is established, it will thrive under the most adverse conditions. Shrubs for Steep Hill Ground Cover. Hostas are bigger and have more personality than most ground covers. Steep hills in the landscape have always been a problem. Dead Nettle – a fast growing ground cover for sunny hill or shady bank. Slow to start, once established it will quickly cover ground and choke out weeds. Violas will fill in between pavers, around stone walls, and slopes. high and provides great coverage for large areas. There are many suitable ground cover plants for hillside use. Tree roots stretch out in all directions, holding soil in place. Control erosion, especially on slopes where lawn grass is difficult to maintai… This phlox species is a spreading, low-growing evergreen flowering plant. Low maintenance and virtually pest free, these gems can make a real color statement when clustered together and should be considered as fast growing ground covers for sunny hillsides. I can tell you today! Creeping phlox is a flowering full sun ground cover that is great for hillsides or slopes Plant creeping phlox for ground cover in a sunny location. Some varieties have glossy foliage and others have a flat, matte surface. Longfield Gardens will never sell, share or. These delightful shrubs can handle shade as well. Once established, it spreads freely. It grows to a maximum height of about 12 inches with an 18-inch spread, and it flowers with white blossoms in spring. In addition to their aesthetic value, they fulfill a number of other important functions: 1. Native Plants for Shady Slopes Protecting a shady slope is different than protecting a sunny slope. In fact, in severe cases of erosion where you need quick results, shrubs can be the best plants for erosion control: They can strike bigger, tougher roots down into the soil. Also, it is drought tolerant ground cover for slopes which least accessible for the homeowners so they don’t have to think too much about watering the Creeping Myrtle. The tree canopy intercepts raindrops, and that's a big head start on preventing erosion. The trailing stems root as they run to fill in any open spaces. Some of the best plants for a slope are ground covers that tend to root along the length of their stems, forming a mat. Late spring flowers are intensely fragrant and nice for cutting. Use code: SPRING21 (excludes sale items & bulk buys). Take a look at these 16 flowering ground covers for shady garden areas. Ajuga spreads slowly so it won't grow out of control and become a management nightmare. Firm around the stems to provide good soil-root contact. For lowest maintenance, plant large areas with a single species. Flowers appear inlate spring and come in white, blue or lavender. Creeping phlox. Junipers – several low growing varieties that make great ground cover for a hill. Grass, with its net-like root system to hold soil in place, might seem to be the way to go, but anyone who has mowed lawn on a hillside knows it’s no picnic and can be down right dangerous. Here are just a few ways they can make your yard and garden more attractive, while also making maintenance easier. Colors range from deep green to golden and their runners root easily wherever they touch the soil. Cotoneaster – a fast growing evergreen that lives for years and requires little care. For example, the Midgen Berry … Deer resistant. A ground cover plant can transform a tricky bare patch of dirt into a riot of colour or fragrance. Space plants 3 feet apart in USDA zones 3 through 8. I'm looking for groundcover options for a north slope. Plus, unlike lawn, groundcover plants don’t have to be mowed. Coarse evergreen foliage. Can be shorn after flowering to maintain a compact habit. Tired of mowing that lawn? See below for a list of 8 shade loving ground covers. It’s a low spreading evergreen with pinkish white flowers in spring followed by reddish berries … Growing just 6 inches tall, ajuga is a great choice to edge a garden path or walkway. Maybe you have a steep slope that's difficult or dangerous to mow. Ground covers have come to be unfairly typified by a few lackluster varieties, such as pachy­sandra (Pachysandra terminalis, USDA Hardiness Zones 4–8) and green lilyturf (Liriope spicata, Zones 6–10). Many do well in shade. Steep hill ground cover can take the form of dense shrubs with deep roots for a forest look to fast-growing ground covers for a sunny hill. Groundcovers are low-growing plants that serve many different purposes in the landscape. Bishop’s Weed is a fast growing ground cover plant to grow in a shady part of your garden The perennial plant, Bishop’s Weed (Aegopodium podagraria) is another low-maintenance gardening solution for ground cover in shady areas. Lawn substitutesto reduce overall landscape maintenance; 4. It’s a low spreading evergreen with pinkish white flowers in spring followed by reddish berries that birds love. Plant drought tolerant low plants. Wintercreeper is another non-native but hardy plant that grows in sun and partial shade. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Hypericum can reach 1 to 2 feet in height. Weeds can’t compete with the glossy, emerald green leaves of this vigorous ground cover. With a little planning, ground cover for a hill can create an appealing garden scene that will bring pleasure to both the gardener and passersby. and spreads quickly over open ground. Stick with just one or two varieties if you want a simple, unified look. These plants are certainly functional, but the same can be said for Astroturf. They limit weed growth, stabilize slopes, and add interest and texture to your yard. Creeping Raspberry. Silver carpet is a nearly flat ground cover for sunny borders. 1. Roots spread quickly to cover bare, shady slopes with elegant 3-foot-tall, vase-shaped plants. Plant sweet woodruff in moist, rich soil and full to partial shade. In fact, Lily of the Valley will overtake most other plants, so make sure to give it plenty of room to run. With moist shade and deep, acidic woodland soil of good tilth, it will form a tight ground cover. Farther north, it can take increasing sunlight. On steeper slopes coarse coconut matting or similar material can be pegged down so that the soil on the slope, temporarily cleared of vegetation, is less likely to wash off. Height is 6 to 8”. It should be noted that most of the following plants are evergreen and many are considered invasive. Vinca prefers moist soil. They come in many different heights, from the delicate little Japanese Painted Fern (Anthyrium) to the chest-high Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris). Below are 11 best plants for covering slopes and hillside areas and to create beauty and stabilty. Once this green and white beauty is established, it will thrive under the most adverse conditions. An easy-to-care for ground cover, there are a few varieties of thyme to consider. However, sweet woodruff can be a good ground cover choice for dry shade, such as in areas under big trees. Clumping plants, which produce several stems from one root, also work well. Creeping phlox looks gorgeous in a rock garden. Sign up for our newsletter. But there are very good reasons why you might want something other than lawn to carpet the ground. Ground covers are a great solution for steep slopes and other areas that are difficult to access. Native violet. Squaw Carpet is an evergreen ground cover that grows on open slopes and under Jeffrey or Ponderosa pines from 4000' to 7000' elevation. Ferns are rarely damaged by deer. Slope begins on the east side almost level and increases to the west side of the yard ending up at about a 45 degree angle. The early summer flower clusters are pink, white or blue. It’s difficult to find plants that tolerate shade, so a shady slope can be extra difficult to landscape! They thrive in woodland settings, in shady gardens, or under partly sunny garden spots. Acid-loving or ericaceous shrubs grow best in a pH range of 4-6, and ideally pH 5-5.5. Maybe you have a big shady area where grass won't grow. In fact, Ferns add elegance and grace to shade gardens, woodlands and natural areas. Native violet is your go-to groundcover plant for that shady, often damp area down the side of the house. Euonymus – several prostrate varieties that are suitable ground cover for a hill. The scalloped leaves come in many colors, from maroon to sage green, chocolate brown to almost black. Planting in staggered rows covers ground more rapidly, plus helps to reduce erosion on slopes. You can't go wrong with these five flowering varieties for sun, shade and fast growth. One of my neighbors has planted a hillside rock garden with this plant and its bright purple waves of color are a springtime treat. Good Companions. Dense enough to suppress weeds, it’s still loose enough to be interspersed with daffodils and crocus for a spectacular springtime display. Grows 6 to 10” tall. Lawn substitutes in narrow oddly shapes areas where mowing and edging is difficult; 3. 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