solo camping checklist reddit

Question: How would I manage this if I'm working a full-time job in ADDITION to programming? A few lists is all that's needed. Stay safe solo'ers. I just did my first solo hike less than two months ago, so it is still fresh in my memory. Basic idea is that you spend time, every day (with some exceptions for planned time off), working on your project. Perfect. Upon reflection, I have made a list of the top 10 things I learned from my first solo camping trip: No nap beats an afternoon nap in a tent while it rains gently outside. I'd make a list of the jobs that I'd like to complete. Free Printable Camping Checklist. 1. Note: This free printable camping checklist can also help involve the kids in the family camping trip. As for marketing, I spent a huge amount of time on it but I think marketing is a lot like making a game. I created a list about 6 or 7 years ago. Print whole topic. Printables. Ideally we want a schedule that is as productive as possible. I can't recommend this simple routine enough. If we start thinking about them now, we will naturally find ourselves thinking about them again over the coming weeks so that when the time comes to start implementing them, we already have a good idea how we are going to do it. Once an hour take a 5-10 minute break. No time wasted. Such as semi-professional clothes that you would wear to an office, as opposed to sweat pants and a t shirt or something? How funny are you? or "Is it safe to camp alone?" Unfortunately I'm not a full-time indie game dev, but almost everything in your articles translate directly to my software dev job. I wanted to be as productive as possible, but I also wanted to maintain a healthy life outside of work. Camping alone can be both safe and enjoyable—here's how to do it right. This has consistently been one of the hardest challenges while making my game. I don't know if I would do that alone lol. Except for a week-long break every 8 weeks. Organizing for a camping trip… yup, I’m good at that. For you, planning is even more critical than for the full-time indies. However, if you are anything like me, you will be constantly dreaming up cool new ideas that would improve your game. I soon discovered that it was equally important to take weekends off. I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to write all these useful articles, they'll definitely benefit me along my path! Our editors test buying factory-direct, searching out secondhand deals, and more. Credit: Kevin Callan. This can be so severe that you may never want to go near your game again. Nobody enjoys adding things like save-game functionality but eventually it has to be done. Open Ear Headphones When you have extra time (weekends) plan out what you'll do for smaller time windows. Camping Solo: A How-To Guide & Checklist for Camping Alone. My mind was wandering. Such as working on art that isn't art used in the game? I need to go from 80 hours to 40 hour work weeks. I generally avoided thinking about my game though. Reply. 693. Backpacking planning requires you to balance keeping pack weight low with ensuring you have the essentials you need for your particular trip. It will be really helpful for my father as he was a camper. We discussed making a master job list in the second article. At CleverHiker, we love to help people get outdoors, and we know how daunting packing for multi-day camping trips can be. Then I'd think through those jobs to get rough idea of what the next couple of months would be like. I soon learned that even when I was super motivated and eager to work, I should still stop work at a scheduled time. Emily Gallegos . There are no water, electric, cable, or WiFi hookups out in the wilderness. Ideas and solutions to potential problems will often come to you without any conscious effort during the evening. We don't have a boss to keep us in line, a weekly paycheck, nor co-workers to keep us motivated. Well last weekend we decided sort of spur of the moment that we were going to be wild and crazy and just do it (we tent camp so the weather has to be VERY cooperative for us to even consider it). Online. Awesome post, thank you! We have tried to help you with your solo camping trip by putting together all the solo camping tips, and checklist since even the most seasoned camper forgets essentials from time to time. To determine what you need to bring on a backpacking trip, think about how far you plan to hike, how remote the location is and what the weather forecast has in store. Beth Resse says. This checklist is deliberately comprehensive and intended for trips in the backcountry where being self-sufficient is important to your well-being. And, if you plan well enough, and hike far enough, there won’t be any other campers either. Reply. All in notepad. So, tag along, and we’ll fight these pre-solo-camping heebie-jeebies as a team! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Didn't use external tools to regulate myself. (they often look bad tho but thats completely unrelated) You can always add infinite polish. This type of mental preparation is very productive. In terms of the difference between the two, it would be I wish I knew that it was so easy to get lost in your thought and just wonder around. No threatening situations at all. Camping 101 for beginners is easy. Backpacking—hitting the trail with nothing more than life’s necessities on your back—is the quintessential outdoor adventure. Contact with colder items soaks up your body heat and continues to do so until your temperature and that object’s temperature are the same. There is plenty to love about solo camping. Because your machine will be your primary … Send as an e-mail. I carried my pistol the first few solo hikes but shed that weight quickly once I realized there is really no need for it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, AMA after coding every day for a year straight, I think there's some good points you'll find in there but I think the biggest ones are: Set a fixed schedule. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find … Stay focussed on completing these in a timely manner. Even the most seasoned camper forgets important basics from time to time. I had so much work to do, and such limited time, that initially this was difficult for me. I would take a week off once every three months. Checklist PNG Camping alone forces you to take initiative and learn new outdoor skills, like building your own campfire, or chopping wood. I made a monster game with 100+ hours of content. I have a pretty decent sense of direction, but I can see how easy it would be to get lost on your own vs with a friend. With a cyclone developing up north and the rain and wind coming in waves all day. Plan for short term milestones and set a deadline. The next scheduling lesson I learned was to take regular full weeks off from work. I just wore normal casual stuff for work. Print current page. Canoe Camping Checklist : The Bare Necessities (AKAThe Camping Pack List ) Canoe Camping Checklist , is an amazing and comprehensive camping pack list that you can use as a light car camping list or for backpacking. Check the tent, stove, matches/lighters, and lanterns beforehand for damage and working condition. or "Is it safe to camp alone?" A week off every 3 months served me well for two and half years. Develop a frame work that's easy for you to keep track of different aspects of the game. So take a solo camping trip. Being one with nature is a great way to spend your free time. But I have worked on game in spare time for 3 years and I found things that helped me. I would work for 12 weeks and then take a week off, but I found that my productivity from around week 8 onwards was consistently less than during the first few weeks of a work cycle. Make sure you're not leaving anything behind with our free, printable RV packing lists. I'm tremendously proud of the game. To help you along, I’ve put together a list of nine essential camping tips. Productivity increases, concentration levels improve, and work becomes easier. Water Bottles or a Reservoir. I didn't even think of it, but I will definitely do that. Solo camping and hiking subreddit. If you have more than one kid, they can pass around the camping list until all items are gathered. Scan over your list and spend the rest of the day considering each job in turn. Was it solo the entire time? If you get distracted by a new idea, even if it's something that should definitely be in your game, don't stop what you are doing to implement it. Doing my first solo hike after doing a few with a friend, I feel like there is less competition and I can take my time, stop and enjoy a view without feeling the need to keep up or show off. It doesn't matter how much time (this is key) - this helps you build momentum. Get a map so you know exactly where you are going. What would you take with you on a multi-day solo camping trip? So, create a list of those ideas. For solo backpackers and day hikers, a minimalist pump or simple chemical drops may do the trick. 9. New ideas always seem so much better than old ones. r/Ultralight: r/Ultralight is the largest online Ultralight Backpacking community! Steven M. Green - June 26, 2015 “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (attributed to Benjamin Franklin) Use this as a baseline to get started. Please post pictures relevant to solo camping, hiking or mountaineering, with the emphasis on SOLO, meaning by yourself campingandhiking, exploring or getting the shot at your campsite for one. Almost everyone I know asks me "where are we?" If you’re just getting geared up to go camping for the first time, or want a reminder of the most essential items to have at the ready, here’s a handy reference guide. Popular . This helped to keep motivation up but after monitoring this schedule for the first couple of years I had hunch that it might not be the best. I thought I was being dedicated and driven but in reality I was putting in a few good bursts of effort here and there but mostly just spinning my wheels, and then getting frustrated that I wasn't figuring things out fast enough and spending even more time. It creates a natural habit to work during work hours. By. You WILL have long, out-loud conversations with your dogs (or a volleyball named Wilson in the absence of pets). It's easy to feel like we must implement a new cool idea immediately but that isn't good time management. You will be more eager to dive in to work the next day because you are already prepared. Don't break the bank. Stick to the job at hand. To be honest, if you've got 1-2 hours a day at most, you may want to consider working on a smaller game (or lots of tiny games). r/CampingGear: A helpful community that aims to help users make informed decisions about camping gear including sleeping systems, clothing … Enter custom title (optional) This topic is locked. With the 3 month schedule my productivity in weeks 10-12 was as low as 50% of what it was in weeks 1-6. This seems like fairly obvious advice, along with eating well and taking care of ourselves, but I would be remiss not to stress it in an article like this. To do this I'd start by looking at my master plan list. Burnout is essentially nothing more than over working. If you sleep without a sleeping pad on the cold hard ground you will lose. They are cheap and very lightweight. Both the exercise and giving your thoughts a break are essential to increasing productivity. Backpacking Gear Checklists. Don't underestimate how essential getting enough rest and sleep is. Breaking my foot during a canoe trip was unpleasant. Add or remove items to suit your individual needs. The Checklist Every First Time RVer Needs. I made lists to do that. One thing I can say, is that it doesn't take 7500+ hours to make a game. Article by Rick Groves. I was solo the entire time but with a lot of suggestions and help from playtesters. Get ready for your AT thru-hike with this gear checklist from expert thru-hiker Liz "Snorkel" Thomas and BACKPACKER Gear Editor Eli Bernstein. I'd occassionally find myself taking a nap for an hour in the middle of a work day because I knew my increased productivity for the rest of the day would far outweigh that lost hour. Last year I ventured on my first solo backpacking trip, much to the concern of my friends and family. Camping can make for a fun time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Solocampingandhiking community, Continue browsing in r/Solocampingandhiking. Midori or Solitaire solo backpacking tents are the perfect backcountry shelter for those of us who prefer to go it alone. Backpacking Gear Checklists. It gives us essential time away from work to rest, unwind and have a regular life, It helps to create a sustainable work ethic that avoids burnout. Eventually I discovered that the typical 40 hour working week was ideal for me. I honestly wish I brought an audio-book so I could listen to a whole book in a day. Car Camping 101: Beginner’s Tips for Finding Campsites, Gear, Cooking & More Road Trip Essentials: A Packing Checklist for Adventure Travelers Solo … But don't wait for someone to join you on an adventure; grab your gear, and take yourself on one. I've heard many tales of game devs quiting because they made that mistake. Thanks for receiving them so well. Choose the ideas that you believe would improve your game the most compared to the time investment required to implement them. Show all posts for this topic. Look at games on newgrounds or so, there are tons of very fun games with a good scope that can be done in reasonable time. Got caught in a crazy storm on the last days of my winter bushcraft camping trip. One of the easiest ways to create discipline is by creating a regular work schedule that we can stick to. I was hoping there would be a post about marketing your game because honestly, I feel like that is going to be the hardest part for me. By that I mean that over a 6 month period, I'd get an equal amount of work done even though I wasn't working the same number of hours. Eureka! Add those to your job list for the coming couple of months. It was comforting to confirm that the most productive schedule was an even balance of the two. shelter. 4. Solo Camping Gear Tips: Shelter. I don't suggest doing what I did the first time going solo. You’ll get a feel for what it’s like to be on your own but without the commitment of hiking in several miles. All 4 articles were immensely useful, as I'm an inexperienced solo game dev myself. April 10, 2020 . It took a little bit, but I passed time by trying to teach myself new skills (learn how to use a bow drill to start a fire, and the like). I personally found my concentration would start to waver after 45-60 mins, but a quick walk around and a change of scenery would soon fix that and I'd be ready to get stuck in again for another hour. Including a camping packing checklist so you don't forget anything! Motorcycle Camping Checklist. Once I got to camp and got set up, it was pretty lonely (needless to say) for a little bit, because I got so used to being with at least 1 friend that I didn't know much of what to do. I'll be honest, there was not a lot that I did differently between solo hiking and hiking with a friend, and the biggest difference is that it is much easier to get lost while hiking. Relatively easy problems soon became intangibly difficult and frustrating to solve. I also went for the same exact reason. That was done by Python Blue. Camping can be one of the best ways to enjoy time in nature. As you become more experienced with disappearing off the grid for days on end, you’ll be able to decide what, and what isn’t, a necessity for you. Print whole topic. Also the woods are no different whether you are by yourself or with someone . Did you need external tools to help regulate yourself, such as StayFocused for Chrome to stop reddit browsing? when you sit down and only have 30 minutes to 1 hour of coding time, make sure you can sit down and immediately start writing code. This help preventing memory loss and having to remember things all over after not developing for a few days. To do this I'd start by looking at my master plan list. We think you'll be glad you did. We love it. Game development is a taxing process full of problem solving. Press J to jump to the feed. Please post pictures relevant to solo camping, hiking or mountaineering, with the emphasis on SOLO, meaning by yourself campingandhiking, exploring or getting the shot at your campsite for one. Then I'd think through those jobs to get rough idea of what the next couple of months would be like. Make a game with reasonable scope. Avoid burnout at all costs. Have a very clear vision of what you want to make. That work load was unsustainable and this soon became apparent. I researched, made an extensive list, and borrowed gear from friends. This sub is about overnight backpacking with a focus on moving … I was wasting precious time. If so, did you ever think about recruiting other people? Plan ahead. Stay safe solo'ers. Canoe camping can take you next to nature and bring you into a peaceful state, a little heaven on earth. I would slow down. Of course, a solo camping trip requires more planning since you have to rely on yourself for everything. Sometimes there wouldn't be an obvious choice, so I'd simply pick the jobs that I was most enthusiastic about. Try it and you'll immediately see the difference it makes. And if you hike alone – there is no one to share the burden. It’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of camping skills, before you head out on your own. If you decide you don’t like it, just take down your tent, hop in the car and drive home. As I was walking outside to adjust my solar panel on the ground, I suddenly tripped over an unseen stump that was directly in the middle of my campsite. I also have a full-time job and haven't found anything more helpful for managing side-projects than Seinfeld's (yes, THAT Seinfeld) "don't break the chain" method: Camping Near Moab (with a Camping Checklist!) Wondering "Should I go camping alone?" Created Aug 31, 2016. 1. This advice seems to be from the perspective of game development being your full-time job. Hey! I'd often find myself solving a problem and then planning what I'd be doing for the next hour during those walk-around breaks. One especially: I 'm not a full-time indie game dev will chime in from person person! Off ), working on your own campfire, or have no time, nor co-workers to us... Job list in the absence of things: specifically, if you ’ re the camping... Every job will be higher and you 'll get more done list and there always! 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